ARCO Announces a New Vision and Resources

ARCO, a trusted source for high-quality alternators, inboard and outboard starters, and tilt/trim motors, has announced the sale of the company to experienced entrepreneurs and operators Jason Crawford and Bryan Ley. Crawford has a strong background in entrepreneurship, while Ley has a proven record in executive leadership with a focus on revenue growth and sales development.
“We searched for a company that provided a fundamental market need, had a well-established customer base, and needed a modern transformation,” said Crawford. “We are excited to have the opportunity to continue the legacy of previous owner, Mr. Ron Miller, and take the company into the next generation of growth and development.”
Mr. Miller owned ARCO for 38 years and built the company into a market leader.
“I am pleased to have turned over ARCO to two 40-year-old professionals, with a ‘make something happen’ attitude,” said Mr. Miller. “New young blood with new ideas is sure to increase business for the company and move it forward.”
The new ownership has been investing in their team and the technology needed to propel the company forward.
“I have been very impressed with the vision and leadership from Jason and Bryan,” said John Decker, ARCO vice president of operations. “They are making decisions that are improving our relationship with dealers and distributors while making this a fun place to work.”

Made in America
Established in 1960, ARCO has 60 years of manufacturing experience with a focus on building the most reliable products. “ARCO has been an industry leader in marine electrical parts since pioneering the expansion of newly manufactured marine engine parts over 40 years ago,” said Crawford.
The company takes pride in its ability to manufacture in America to the highest standards of quality control and testing.
“We take each step of our manufacturing process very seriously,” said Pete Ross ARCO’s vice president of manufacturing. “Each outboard starter manufactured at ARCO must pass six stages of quality control testing to ensure that its ‘Made In America’ quality is superior to the aftermarket,”
“During our due diligence, we sourced failure rates across the market and found that ARCO parts are five times more reliable than their competitors,” said Crawford. “After visiting our dealers, I realize that their reputation is on the line. We are delivering peace of mind to those technicians and parts managers.” ARCO dealers understand that reliability is more important than a cheap price.
New warranty program
ARCO’s new owners are investing in the future of the company starting with taking care of their customers. Since the acquisition, the company has improved its relationship with dealers by implementing a new warranty program called ARCO Assurance. “We understand that dealers need confidence that we will support them when something goes wrong, and that’s why we have completely changed our approach to service and warranty support,” said Ley. “The ARCO Assurance program gives technicians the benefit of doubt and will support their loyalty to ARCO.”
The new warranty program also gives distributors the ability to issue a credit in the field so the technician can replace with a new ARCO part.
“We are removing the distractions so that the industry can focus on delivering peace of mind to the boat owners,” added Ley. “If we continue to manufacture the most reliable products and now support our dealers at the highest level, then we can make boat ownership that much more enjoyable.”
Room to grow
With 34,000 square feet of manufacturing, a 23,000 square-foot warehouse, and five acres of land, ARCO has room to expand. Starting in the existing rotating electric line, ARCO has plans to launch a series of new products this season in the starter and tilt trim segment. The company has made improvements to the newer outboard starter segment and created a new solution for older MerCruiser tilt trim assemblies. Those products are expected to be available this summer.