ARCO NEW Original Equipment Quality Replacement Outboard Starter Driver Gear for BRP - OMC - DV372X


ARCO Part #DV372X

Fits: Arco Starter 5372, Small 10-tooth drive gear.

Replaces Part Numbers: BRP-OMC 385949 BRP-OMC 585267 BRP-OMC 586100

ARCO Marine is a USA based manufacturer located in Pensacola FL. Established in 1960, we were pioneers in the O/E replacement parts segment and have a reputation synonymous with premium quality and part reliability. We over engineer our parts to exceed and outlast O/E standards, often times engineering out any part deficiencies. We use only the best input components and every part that ships out of our warehouse has been tested prior to boxing which provides us with some of the lowest failure rates in the marine engine parts industry.